Caves are abodes of Gods and Goddesses. Since ancient times, numerous cave architectures have been developed all over India and likes of Ajanta - Ellora and Elephanta cave systems have been famous across India. But do these cave structures really qualify as cave structures or these are places of intricate carvings through rocks and mountains? Probably the above mentioned caves have become famous for their sculptures and paintings but while I visited Belum caves in Kurnool district, then only I realized what a cave structure is like.
The Belum caves are millions of years old. An exploratory expedition unearthed clay vessels from these caves, dating back to 4500 B.C. The caves were first noticed, surveyed and explored sometime around 1884 by an European H.B. Foote. The latest and detailed exploration was done by a team headed by German speleologist Herbert. Lead by Deniel Gebauer from 1982 to 1984, a team explored and mapped the caves to an extent of nearly three and half kilometers. However currently only one and half kilometers of length is accessible to public. The cave system totally extends to 3225 meters in length, 10 meters high and 40 meters deep from the surface of the earth.
The main passage of the caves is a horizontal one, after a descent of 20 meters. There are three well like cavities which owe to formation of sink holes. One of the sink hole has been used for descending into the caves and after treating the side walls of sink hole, steps have been provided to get down to the cave systems. Using bores through the surface, couple of ventilation cum air circulation mechanism have been set up which provides refreshingly cool air throughout the caves.
As one walks through the caves, it turns out to be a breathtaking experience. On the ceiling and on the floor are the fantastic artworks of nature created by stalactite and stalagmite formations. There are a number of spacious chambers, passage, fresh water galleries and siphons. The soft light illumination adds to the beauty of the formations. There is a small yet perennial stream flowing from the southeast to the northwest, disappearing and believed to be heading towards the well at the Bellum village. A natural lingam is said to have formed at the patalganga.
The natural cave system is probably one of world's largest natural geological formations yet it is unexplored. The different cuts and lacerations through different strata of calcium carbonate and other calcium compounds gives it internal textures and carving. As of now only the caves up to a length of 3225 meters were cleared and thereafter further exploration was stopped. For geologists and researchers, interested in study of sink holes and natural stalactite and stalagmite formation, it is probably the best site in Asia.
The property declared as such as protected area is under administrative and management control of Andhra Pradesh Tourism department and they have done pretty good job of beautifying and managing it. Couple of big halls inside the cave system carry folk lore about deep meditations undertaken by Saints and followers of Buddhism. A giant statute of Lord Buddha symbolizes the connections with Buddhism carried through folklores.
The place can be reached through airports at Hyderabad, Chennai and Tirupati. So any places signifying rich cultural heritage in and around Kadappa!! The place is set for international glory!
The Belum caves are millions of years old. An exploratory expedition unearthed clay vessels from these caves, dating back to 4500 B.C. The caves were first noticed, surveyed and explored sometime around 1884 by an European H.B. Foote. The latest and detailed exploration was done by a team headed by German speleologist Herbert. Lead by Deniel Gebauer from 1982 to 1984, a team explored and mapped the caves to an extent of nearly three and half kilometers. However currently only one and half kilometers of length is accessible to public. The cave system totally extends to 3225 meters in length, 10 meters high and 40 meters deep from the surface of the earth.
The main passage of the caves is a horizontal one, after a descent of 20 meters. There are three well like cavities which owe to formation of sink holes. One of the sink hole has been used for descending into the caves and after treating the side walls of sink hole, steps have been provided to get down to the cave systems. Using bores through the surface, couple of ventilation cum air circulation mechanism have been set up which provides refreshingly cool air throughout the caves.
As one walks through the caves, it turns out to be a breathtaking experience. On the ceiling and on the floor are the fantastic artworks of nature created by stalactite and stalagmite formations. There are a number of spacious chambers, passage, fresh water galleries and siphons. The soft light illumination adds to the beauty of the formations. There is a small yet perennial stream flowing from the southeast to the northwest, disappearing and believed to be heading towards the well at the Bellum village. A natural lingam is said to have formed at the patalganga.
The natural cave system is probably one of world's largest natural geological formations yet it is unexplored. The different cuts and lacerations through different strata of calcium carbonate and other calcium compounds gives it internal textures and carving. As of now only the caves up to a length of 3225 meters were cleared and thereafter further exploration was stopped. For geologists and researchers, interested in study of sink holes and natural stalactite and stalagmite formation, it is probably the best site in Asia.
The property declared as such as protected area is under administrative and management control of Andhra Pradesh Tourism department and they have done pretty good job of beautifying and managing it. Couple of big halls inside the cave system carry folk lore about deep meditations undertaken by Saints and followers of Buddhism. A giant statute of Lord Buddha symbolizes the connections with Buddhism carried through folklores.
The place can be reached through airports at Hyderabad, Chennai and Tirupati. So any places signifying rich cultural heritage in and around Kadappa!! The place is set for international glory!
Those of you interested in study of geological formations, visit to Bellum caves would be the most enriching experience, I can assure.
Courtsey : Andhra Pradesh Tourism Corporation Ltd.
For more information - APTCL, (+91)8518-250335,252087
Belum Caves (+91) 8510-236633
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