Monday, July 20, 2009


Today I read an interesting article regarding first devaluation of Indian Currency by late Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India. It took me through interesting decision making process and how the policy decisions are taken in the Government setup. It is not that this process is new for me. Having worked in the Government in senior position, I am well aware about how policy decisions are made. However the conduct rules in Government prevent me from spilling the beans :) .

One word which has been used in today's article on devaluation carries interesting meaning. The word used is 'Barobar'. In straight forward sense, it means OK. But if the same word is pronounced differently as 'Baarobaar' would mean bypassing some one. So in that context to say that two Gujaratis in Indira Gandhi Government took the decision to devalue Indian Currency 'Baarobaar' would have meant that late Indira Gandhi took the decision bypassing Kamraj and others as 'Baarobaar'.

Fun aside, few days ago I received one interesting mail which said if the Rupee exchange rate could be fixed by the Government (Till the time liberalization was introduced, it used to be 1 Dollar = 8 Rupees) and if the exchange rate is fixed at say Rupee 1 = Dollar 1, what would be the scenario? Has any body thought about it? So BMW will be sold in India for Rs. 50000, Best quality Laptop will be sold for Rupees 1200...... and so on. But this will not come true as the moment BMW is available for Rs 50000, people would queue up for bookings of the car and soon the demand supply will take the price back to say Rs. one million. Which would also mean that same BMW will be sold in US for one million dollars. and therefore, the good old ford Pontiac will be sold for 300K dollars! In short, if the rupee can ever appreciate ,the affordability of cars and goods for people in India will go up and correspondingly affordability of cars and for the same reason that of other consumer products will go down for people from US and rest of the world. Extending the same logic in respect of currency of all developing countries, one would be tempted to conclude that just by varying the currency exchange rate, countries can change affordability for their citizens and their poverty status. Sounds so simple! is n't it?

If this were so simple, there would have been no world order. The fact of the matter is countries can not manipulate their currencies so easily. The simple explanation is that exchange rates are determined on the basis of strength of their external trade and balance of payments situation. So if there is one country with very strong balance of payment scenario and favorable balance of payments situation on a sustainable basis, that country can definitely readjust its currency and force a different world order. So how do we define such scenarios and can we have standard defined parameters to explain strength of such countries?

Yes we can. I call that unknown variable as Economic Entropy of the nation. I will explain concept of Economic Entropy in next post. 'Barobar ne'.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A new initiative

Mesothelioma is a nasty disease. The studies conducted have shown that this disease is caused due to prolonged exposure to Asbestos. Asbestos in Dungarpur is some thing not known to me. The region is known for mining of Gypsum, Lime stone, Marbles and Black trap. Asbestos, I am not very sure. However the lesson is to further research if Mesothelioma could be caused due to exposure to any other mined products mentioned above or alternatively if Asbestos is also mined in Dungarpur under the guise of any other mineral? What ever it be, the damage has been done and collectively we need to take steps to ensure that there are no more victims.

Yesterday I posted about carrying phenyl tablets whenever visiting public places in India. I have further tried to develop it as to how can community play a role in managing public assets? The state builds many assets which are meant for the society. However there has been a misplaced belief in India, that all assets created by the Government, belong to Government as if it were some individual with ownership rights and along with that obligations. Unfortunately people forget that what is known as Government and the recognizable executive that we identify it with are nothing but managers on behalf of the society which is the ultimate owner of every thing and the so called Government is mere custodian of all Government resources. Short point is whatever assets have been created are for the society and their maintenance and upkeep is our collective responsibility. The Government on behalf of society will definitely shoulder its responsibility but then every one can contribute in it. I have thought if it is possible to constitute informal organizations to be called friends of asset group like "friends of Civil Hospital" and such groups if can take up the responsibility to contribute in upkeep and maintenance? In fact if the group gets further involved in the exercise, then they may be requested to informally help in decision process also. This is just an idea and I would like to see some like minded people to take this idea forward.

Please respond with your thoughts. Together we can bring in lot of change.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

New Challenges

For last two months, I have wondered whether I should continue blogging? The difficulty is my current position with the Government does not permit me to express myself on public issues in public domain and for each such publication, I need to take prior permission from the Government. However when said rule was formulated, did the rule makers even thought in their wildest dreams that Internet and world wide web would emerge as powerful tool of self expression and of influencing public opinion? I do not think so. So now I have decided that I will blog and express my self constructively so that public cause can be served.
Over last so many days, I have been through so many ups and downs. I was admitted to the Duke University for their prestigious MBA program and at the last moment when every thing was all set, I had to seek deferment for one year. The University has been kind enough to grant me one year deferral and I hope to be able to attend it next year. One of my close relative has been diagnosed with Mesothelioma. Over last so many days, I have done a lot of research on Mesothelioma.

Large mesothelioma around the right lung (left side of image) on CT scan.
Courtsey :

I have consulted many doctors and few of them have told me that this disease is endemic to the place that I come from. Every year the Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute (GCRI) receives about 10-12 patients and 8-10 are from Dungarpur district in Rajasthan. It is unfortunate that physicians and specialists working in Dungarpur and Banswara are unaware of this disease and that causes late detection of this disease. The Hon. Secretary of GCRI has consented to attend an awareness workshop on Mesothelioma and I have taken this task of organizing this workshop in consultation with local District Administration. Hopefully I should be able to do it by 15th of next month.
I have taken few visits to the Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad. I am awestruck with the facilities, human resources and equipments there. The number of visitors to the hospital means that facilities are over stretched. One thing where I find that social groups and like minded citizens can intervene is in enhancing cleanliness around the campus and within. One would argue that this is the responsibility of Hospital administration and he will be correct. At the same time for any place which is frequented with over 15000 patients and other 50000 attendants daily, then it will be very difficult for its administrator to maintain cleanliness in and around. Can we as a citizen group do some thing to enhance ambiance and cleanliness?
I am willing to take blames and face all ridicules but if you agree with me, would it be possible to take one pledge? Next time if you happen to visit any public place, be it Hospital, Bus Stand, Railway Station or any public place, would you agree to carry few tablets of Phenyl and drop it to their utilities room? Is n't it very easy to do? I will do it next time I visit Civil Hospital. Would you assist me in this small initiative? If you do, please respond to this post as your response will motivate numerous others to follow and do the same.