Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Strange ways!!

It has been more then a week since we have been to the briefing for observer role, each one of us waiting eagerly for our constituency assignments. Yesterday the election commission announced list of observers for first phase. It would have been much better if the constituency allotments for all phases were out, that would have helped in planning next couple of months properly. So its waiting time.
The concern on global economic scenario continues!! You might be wondering why should I be overly concerned to make a mention in blog? Yeah I am and I will share the reasons at appropriate time. However the recession, its recovery and impact on global economies is weighing heavily on my mind. This concern is holding me back from planning for coming weeks.
The election scenario is hotting up and so is the Indian economy! Not many have idea about the growth rates though the industrial sector is showing negative growth rate for last three months. It is difficult to understand, despite all claims to such an effect, how Indian Economy will fare differently from the global economy in general and US economy in particular. The monetary policy announced so far has not really percolated downwards. Over last few months, the RBI has released over $45 billion of liquidity, but where has that money gone? The banks have not reduced lending rates. Home loan customers who took loan before the meltdown, still have to pay at 12% rates. When repo and reverse repo rates have been brought down to 6 and 4.5% respectively, why should banks continue to charge old exorbitant rates? No wonder that Banks' shares have been in demand and people are lapping it up as Banks are selfishly looking at increasing their margins. But it does not augur well for the health of the economy.
Indian economy's exposure to global economy is very limited and it is less than 15% of total GDP. But our economy is very small from global standards. So unless we act fast, unless we pass on policy initiatives downwards, we will pay a very heavy price. The statistically computed inflation has come down to zero level. Growth rates in industry and services sector are at sub zero level. Historically agricultural sector has been flat, so unless we restore the consumer spending and improve consumer confidence and eliminate the hoarding mentality, Economy will continue to be in doldrums. Only a growing economy can give smiles to the Billions.
Has any one tried to understand that how come currencies of trading partners of US started depreciating while it was US economy which was getting weaker? I will explain concept of Economic Entropy in next post.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Life is fun and so is blogging!!!

The largest democracy of the world is going to yet another general elections. Parliamentary system or presidential system not withstanding, the elections will be fun as well as a challenge. The challenges will be to conduct free and fair poll in spite of and not withstanding all adversities i.e. naxalism, terrorism, separatism of all kinds and cultural and political diversities. The exercise will be fun too for the administrative and organizational opportunities that it will offer.

And I have also been offered the honor of being part of election process as an observer. So I was called for the briefing for the job ahead and that offered an opportunity to meet with a couple of friends. All of them had valuable experiences to share earned over last ten years or so. Every one was thrilled and looking forward to know the place that he/she will be heading to. However this thrill was spooked by the Election Commission when they informed of observer's portal and told that place assignment will happen only after a couple of days.

So next month I will be headed to some unknown place either in snow clad mountains of Himalayas or dry lands of northern plateau or the ghats of south-west. It could be a place in northeast or Kashmir or Telangana or Kerala. However one thing is certain the experience will be great and so is the feeling to share that with all the friends.

I will try to ensure that the blog is non political and instead focuses on issues other than elections. So it will be nature, economics, recession, job statistics and so on.....

So friends, come and enjoy the blog!!!